The Challenge


Countdown to Launch:








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meet the team

About The Journey

We are embarking on this journey to explore and expand our capacity for endurance, to exceed the limitations we perceive in ourselves, and to honor the strength of those who face trials greater than the Pacific Ocean could ever present.

Our team will take part in the World’s Toughest Row competition in June 2024.

Challenge Details


The trip will be a 2,800 mile row from California to Hawaii. No motors will be used – we will be fully Human Powered.


Our journey is a part of The World’s Toughest Row. Click here for more information about the event.


The boat will be powered by four men. Read more about us here.


We are rowing to benefit The Michael J. Fox Foundation.

Has anyone ever done this before?

To date, there have been 82 people to complete the row from mainland USA to Hawaii. In comparison, over 6,000 individuals have reached the summit of Mt. Everest.

Will the rowers be safe?

The teams will be monitored at all times, receive daily check-ins on weather and route, and be monitored by a nearby safety boat. In addition, the team and its gear must pass a rigorous pre-launch safety inspection conducted by the World’s Toughest Row.

How long will the trip take?

In 2022, the teams that completed the World’s Toughest Row spent between 31 and 113 days on the water. Our primary focus during the race will be on the safety and health of the crew, rather than “winning” the race. (That being said, an entry into the Guinness Book of World Records wouldn’t be unwelcome.)




Pre-Launch Preparations

Monterey, CA

No amount of training can replace a thorough examination of the crew and its tools. The boat, oars, and supplies will be thoroughly inspected to ensure a safe voyage.



Planned Launch Date

Monterey, CA

The teams will be monitored at all times, receive daily check-ins on weather and route, and be monitored by a nearby safety boat. In addition, the team and its gear must pass a rigorous pre-launch safety inspection conducted by the World’s Toughest Race.



Target Arrival Dates

Hanalei Bay, Kauai, HI

After a journey braved by fewer people than have climbed Mt. Everest, the boat will dock at Hanalei Bay, in Kauai, Hawaii.

Row With Us (Virtually)

Every mile rowed will be tracked and shared via the Strava app. Continue to check back here to learn about challenge rows that will allow you to help us bring awareness to our endeavor and increase funding to help us beat Parkinson’s.

Team HPP is also proud to be a part of The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s Summer Challenge, which aims to raise $28 million this summer. Thanks to a historic match, every $1 raised = $4 for research. 

Join our journey on strava

"Often the only way to know what awaits is to live it."

-Mark Nepo, The Book of Awakening

“Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.”

-Winston Churchill

"People of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them - they went out and happened to things."

-Leonardo da Vinci

"Strength does not come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t."


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